BREAKING: DOC: Boot Camp Escapees Apprehended in Harrisburg Area

HARRISBURG – The two state intermediate punishment (SIP) inmates who escaped from the Quehanna Boot Camp have been apprehended in the Harrisburg area and are now in custody, states a post on the state Department of Corrections’ Facebook page.

Nicholas Guido, 30, and Trent Robert Maffei, 20, escaped from the boot camp at 12:50 p.m. Sunday. They were allegedly observed getting into a black vehicle and later believed to be in the Harrisburg area, according to previously published GANT reports.

Both inmates were serving 24-month SIP sentences at the boot camp. Guido was sentenced in Allegheny County for burglary with no person present and Maffei in Juniata County for possession with intent to deliver.

Guido and Maffei were apprehended by members of the Pennsylvania State Police Fugitive Task Force and Newport-based state police. No further information is available at this time.

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