Progressives call hypocrisy on Paul Ryan paid family leave

Rep. Paul Ryan said he would run for speaker — under certain conditions. A few are political, but one is personal. Ryan said he would not sacrifice the time he spends with his family.

“I cannot and will not give up my family time,” he said Tuesday.

That point has endeared him to some and angered many others who find it at odds with his position against proposals mandating paid family leave.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook executive and author of the popular book “Lean In,” applauded Ryan for prioritizing his children.

Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of “The Huffington Post,” also praised Ryan.

But some progressives say Ryan’s demand for time with his family is hypocritical.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted, “That’s why Dems are fighting for paid sick time, family leave & schedules that work.”

Lizz Winstead, co-creator of “The Daily Show,” wrote, “Paul Ryan will step up to fight against paid family leave for working Americans, as long as he can have paid family leave to (sic) to it.”

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted, “Republicans talk about ‘family values’ but the US is the only major country that doesn’t guarantee paid family leave.”

Just 13% of U.S. workers had access to paid family leave, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics survey from 2014.

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