LT Supervisors Approve Police Hours for Clearing Warrants

CLEARFIELD – Lawrence Township Police Sgt. James Glass reported that the department will be participating with Clearfield Borough police and District Magistrate Richard Ireland, who will hold special hours on Monday, to clear outstanding warrants.

According to Glass, Ireland said there are too many outstanding warrants in the district and wants to make an extra effort to reduce them. The magistrate’s office will have extended hours for that purpose, Glass said, and will be open from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday.

The supervisors approved additional eight hours regular time and eight hours overtime for Oct. 26. Glass said three of the township’s officers will be dedicated that day to working with the magistrate’s office and resolving outstanding warrants.

Glass also reported that District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr. has training scheduled the same day, Oct. 26, for the new Clearfield County Juvenile Advocacy Center. Glass said Shaw obtained grant funding to cover the cost of the training, and noted that Sgt. Crystal Panebianco would most likely participate in the training.

The Advocacy Center is a secure community-based facility that addresses the specific needs of child victims of assault. Glass said that this is a great service for the county, prior to which the nearest such facility was in Bellefonte.

Code Enforcement Officer Debra Finkbeiner reported Reed Ventures LLC, applied for Conditional Use zoning for Washington Avenue in Hyde. A public hearing regarding the conditional use request has been scheduled for Nov. 17 at 6:45 p.m. at the township offices, prior to the regular township meeting.

Finkbeiner reported the Conditional Use Timbering on property on Flegal Road is completed. Walker Lumber Co. has asked for release of bond for Flegal Road, she said, noting that Roadmaster Ron Woodling had inspected the road and all the paperwork was in order. The supervisors approved the bond release.

The supervisors also approved a sub-division for property of Sam Lansberry at 160 Cresswood Dr., to move the property line for additions and to meet township requirements for set-back of structures from property lines.

Finkbeiner reminds township property owners that transfers of property that have public sewage are required to have inspections of sewage lines and downspouts prior to any transactions. She noted that a two-week notice is necessary in order to schedule the smoke tests, which are scheduled for Wednesdays.

The supervisors also approved Pay Estimate No. 15 from Diehl Contracting totaling $10,849.84. Secretary Barb Shaffner noted that there was $9,000 left from the sewage construction loan, and the balance would be paid from sewage funds.

After a brief executive session to discuss legal and personnel issues, the supervisors approved to hire Attorney Chris Pentz for legal issues pertaining to collection of funds, due to a conflict of interest for Solicitor James Naddeo. Naddeo said the matter pertains to a former employee of the township.

The supervisors remind residents that a public meeting will be held at the Clearfield High School on Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. to review and discuss findings from a feasibility study for the possibility of merging the township and Clearfield Borough. Supervisor Ed Brown noted the township supervisors have not been involved in the study, which was conducted by a committee of residents and officials from both municipalities.

A public hearing is also scheduled for Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. for proposed township zoning changes. The supervisors intend to act on the zoning changes at their Nov. 17 meeting.

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