NJ poll: Support for Chris Christie White House bid falling

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is losing support for his presidential bid in his home state as GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump commands an even bigger lead, according to a new poll.

Garden State voter support for Christie’s White House bid has dropped by more than half in the past two months, according to a Rutgers-Eagleton poll released Thursday, which puts his support at his run at just 5%. That’s down from the 12% he enjoyed in the poll’s August survey of registered Republican voters.

And nearly two-thirds of Republican voters in the state said Christie should end his presidential campaign, which has struggled to get off the ground and gain momentum.

Trump’s support, meanwhile, has surged to 32% in New Jersey, up from 21% in August.

Four other presidential contenders now fill the gap between Trump and Christie, with results mimicking those of national surveys.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Marco Rubio took second and third place in New Jersey with 13% each while Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has 6% of support and former tech CEO Carly Fiorina takes 5%.

The poll surveyed 935 registered Republican voters in New Jersey between October 3-10 and has a margin of error of 3.9%.

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