5 things to know for your new day — Tuesday, October 13

It’s game on for the Democrats. The Syrian rebels get a massive weapons dump. And skin is passé at Playboy.

It’s Tuesday, and here are five things to know for your new day.


Bernie vs. Hillary: We’ve already heard an awful lot from the Republicans who want to take up residence in the White House. Now it’s time for the Democrats to belly up to the bar. Tonight’s debate pits longtime frontrunner Hillary Clinton against upstart Bernie Sanders. And then there’s that unanswered question: Will Joe Biden still join the race? CNN coverage begins tonight at 8:30 p.m. ET


More to fight with: It’s funny how a little thing like Russia stepping into the Syrian civil war can change things. Just ask the rebel groups fighting there. Now that Russia is backing the government, the United States is suddenly showering the rebels with weapons. Let’s rephrase that. U.S. military cargo planes airdropped 50 tons of ammunition to rebels to help in their battle against the Assad regime. The weapons included things like small arms ammo and other items like hand grenades.


How to get away with murder: The Minnesota dentist who caused all that uproar when he killed Cecil the lion won’t face charges. A Zimbabwean government minister said there’s already been plenty of publicity surrounding the beloved big cat’s death. Walter Palmer and his family went into hiding when a conservation group reported that Cecil was lured out of a national park and killed. Two Zimbabweans have been charged in the case.


Guilty: Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian has been convicted by a Revolutionary Court in Iran. Rezaian was reportedly facing up to 20 years, but the sentence was not specified in Iranian state-run media. The Post called Rezaian’s conviction “outrageous.” He has already been behind bars for more than a year. Rezaian was taken into custody in July 2014 and later charged with espionage.


Where’s the skin?: It’s finally going to be a valid excuse. “I just read Playboy for the articles.” The iconic men’s magazine said yesterday it’s planning to drop fully naked women from its pages. With porn absolutely everywhere on the Internet, Playboy’s chief executive Scott Flanders told The New Times. “It’s just passé at this juncture.” But we ask: What’s next, no roast beef at Arby’s. No ham in hamburger. Oh, wait …

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