Paul Ryan is going as Mitt Romney for Halloween

Rep. Paul Ryan knows who he’s going as for Halloween: Mitt Romney.

The Wisconsin Republican was mostly mum Sunday when CNN asked whether he’s reconsidered a run for House speaker — saying only that “my answer is still no.”

He was set to decorate his house in Janesville for Halloween, and said he’d recently run across a mask of Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who’d tapped Ryan as his vice presidential pick.

“I saw it and I just had to do it,” Ryan said.

Ryan, the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, is being pressured by retiring House Speaker John Boehner, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and other party leaders to reconsider his opposition to seeking the speakership.

He’s seen as perhaps House Republicans’ only nearly-consensus pick now that Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has dropped his bid.

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