Thabo Sefolosha found not guilty

A New York jury has found Atlanta Hawks player Thabo Sefolosha not guilty on three misdemeanor charges, his attorney said Friday.

The jury took roughly 30 minutes to deliberate, starting Thursday and finishing Friday morning, attorney Alex Spiro said.

In April, Sefolosha said that police caused his season-ending leg injury after he left a nightclub in New York. Sefolosha suffered a fractured fibula and ligament damage when he and then-teammate Pero Antic were arrested near the scene of the stabbing of Indiana Pacers forward Chris Copeland and two other women early April 8.

Police said Sefolosha and Antic were not involved in the stabbing incident, but they were charged with misdemeanors, including disorderly conduct and obstructing governmental administration. The charges against Antic were dismissed.

Shortly after the incident, TMZ Sports released video that shows a group of police officers arresting the 6-foot-7 Sefolosha and taking him to the ground. It also shows an officer within that group getting out a baton and extending it near him, but what may have caused the injury is not clear in the video. Sefolosha appears to be limping as he is led away by officers.

Copeland, who underwent surgery on his abdomen and left elbow for stab wounds, now plays for the Milwaukee Bucks. Antic now plays in the Turkish Basketball League.

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