Marco Rubio: Everywhere…but CNN

Much has been made of Donald Trump’s recent boycotts of Fox News, which are now over.

But another Republican presidential contender is now quietly shunning CNN.

For more than two months, CNN has sent daily interview requests to Marco Rubio. And each time, the campaign has passed. Over that same period, every other GOP candidate has given multiple interviews to CNN. Only Rubio has been absent. Meanwhile, the Florida senator has appeared on several other news networks.

When reached for comment, Rubio spokesperson Alex Conant said simply: “We don’t comment on our media strategy.”

Rubio’s last appearance on CNN was August 7, and it got tense.

It was the day following the first GOP presidential debate on Fox News, and CNN’s Chris Cuomo questioned Rubio’s position on abortion. The two debated on-air for several minutes about whether Rubio’s support of legislation that included a carve-out for abortion in cases of rape and incest amounted to support for the carve-out itself.

“So it seems that you had your own record wrong. Is that something you want to correct this morning?” Cuomo said.

The normally polished Rubio appeared to stumble a bit before saying that Cuomo had it wrong. “No, I, that’s, that’s. That’s not true,” Rubio said.

Later in the interview, Rubio and Cuomo debated over when life begins, and whether science had settled that question.

“Science has not decided it’s at conception,” Cuomo said.

Rubio hit back: “No, let me correct you. Science has. Absolutely it has.”

It’s certainly not uncommon for politicians to feud with media organizations. Trump has warred with Fox News throughout the campaign, even publicly threatening to boycott the outlet last month. But Rubio hasn’t been vocal about his qualms with CNN or Cuomo.

Since that Aug. 7 interview, Rubio has steadily gained support in the polls. And as his stock has risen, Rubio has been visible on other television outlets.

On Monday alone, he sat down for interviews with both CNBC’s John Harwood and Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. Rubio was also the subject of a profile that has aired multiple times on Fox News in the last 24 hours.

And on Tuesday morning, Rubio continued his media blitz with appearances on “Fox & Friends” and NBC’s “Today” show.

–CNN’s Tom LoBianco contributed reporting.

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