Donald Trump on shooting: ‘Horrible’ but these things happen

Donald Trump says even if he becomes president, he doesn’t expect to halt all mass shootings like the massacre at an Oregon community college Thursday because there will always be people that society can’t stop.

Trump on Friday was asked what he would do as president to try to prevent attacks like the shooting at Umpqua Community College, but he said there are “millions and millions of sick people all over the world” that make it difficult, no matter how strong the laws are.

“You’re going to have these things happen and it’s a horrible thing to behold, horrible,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“It’s not politically correct to say that, but you’re going to have difficulty and that will be for the next million years, there’s going to be difficulty and people are going to slip through the cracks,” Trump added. “What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?”

The Republican front-runner said that he expects as information about the shooting comes out, it’ll be clear that the attacker was a “loner” like so many other shooters, and that people he knew always thought something was off about him.

But, Trump said, “It’s awfully hard to put somebody in an institution for the rest of their lives based on the fact that he looks like he could be a problem.”

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