Poll: Hillary Clinton maintains 18-point lead over Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton is keeping her lead among Democratic voters, a new poll shows, with an 18-point lead over primary challenger Bernie Sanders.

The former secretary of state leads the Vermont independent senator 41% to 23%, a new national poll conducted by Suffolk/USA TODAY shows.

Of the individuals surveyed, 20% would vote for Joe Biden if he was running, and 14% were undecided.

Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee obtained 1% in the poll, while Jim Webb took less than 1%. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who was polling at 1% in CNN’s September survey, had 0% support.

The gap between Clinton and Sanders remains at 18 percentage points, the same difference a CNN/ORC poll found in September.

At the end of the third quarter of fundraising for presidential candidates, Sanders nearly outraised Clinton, raising $25 million and $28 million, respectively.

The poll also found that 54% of those surveyed do not want more debates than the six already approved.

The poll was conducted Sept. 24-28, surveying 1,000 likely voters — and had 430 voters for the Democratic primary, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points.

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