2015 set to be a record year for guns in carry-ons

Forget water bottles and toothpaste tubes, people still don’t seem to get that they can’t put guns in their carry-ons.

Because 2015 is on track to be the biggest year ever for passengers trying to bring guns onto planes, according to the TSA.

The agency has found more than 1,900 guns in carry-on bags through the end of September, which puts the year on pace to break 2014’s record of 2,212 guns.

The numbers have been rising for a decade. In 2005, the TSA only found 660 guns in carry-on bags.

And it looks like the trend will continue. The TSA said the week ended Sept. 17 was its biggest single week ever for finding guns in carry-ons. It reported 67 guns, and 56 of them were loaded. Of those loaded guns, 26 had rounds in the chamber, ready to shoot.

Related: What happens to all those weapons that the TSA takes away?

And it’s not just guns. Would-be passengers are getting busted with a wide assortment of weapons, including throwing knives, throwing stars, switch blades and butterfly knives. Stun guns are also turning up a lot — the TSA recovered 23 of them in a single week in September.

The TSA said that it also continues to find inert or dummy grenades in bags”on a weekly basis.” They cause “significant delays,” since a bomb crew has to determine whether it’s a live explosive, or a so-called “novelty item.”

TSA officers don’t necessarily arrest passengers who try to bring weapons onto a plane. Instead, they alert local cops who then follow the local laws.

It’s not necessarily illegal to bring a gun on a plane. But passengers with legal firearms are supposed to check them with the airlines and follow specific procedures for packing the unloaded guns into proper carrying cases.

Packing guns in carry-on bags is strictly prohibited.

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