Mark Geragos Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the life of attorney Mark Geragos, known for his high profile clients.

Birth date: October 5, 1957

Birth place: Los Angeles, California

Birth name: Mark John Geragos

Father: Paul Geragos, attorney

Mother: Betty Jane Geragos

Marriage: Paulette (Kassabian) Geragos

Children: Jake and Teny

Education: Haverford College, B.A., 1979; Loyola Marymount University, J.D., 1982

Other Facts:
Partner in the law firm Geragos & Geragos.

His clients have included Scott Peterson, Michael Jackson, Gary Condit, Chris Brown and Winona Ryder.

1983 – Is admitted to the State Bar of California and joins his father’s law firm, Geragos & Geragos.

1997-1998 – One of his first high profile cases is when Geragos represents Susan McDougal in an embezzlement case. McDougal was earlier convicted of fraud in the Whitewater case that involved President Bill Clinton. She is acquitted of the embezzlement charges.

2001 – Represents President Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger Clinton, who was arrested on drunken driving charges. Clinton pleads guilty to a misdemeanor charge of reckless driving.

2001 – Represents rapper Nate Dogg, who pleads no contest to a misdemeanor charge of carrying an unmarked firearm. A felony charge is dropped in exchange for the plea.

2001-2002 – Represents Representative Gary Condit as law enforcement investigate the death of Chandra Levy.

2002 – Represents Winona Ryder, who is charged with felony grand theft and vandalism for shoplifting from Saks Fifth Avenue. Ryder is sentenced to three years of probation and counseling.

May 2003 – Announces he will represent Scott Peterson, charged with murdering his pregnant wife, Laci. Peterson is found guilty.

2003-2004 – Represents Michael Jackson when he is charged with child molestation. Jackson replaces Geragos, saying he wants a lawyer who will devote his full time to the case.

2008 – Geragos and partner Pat Harris win a lawsuit against Jeffrey Borer and his charter jet company XtraJet for secretly recording Geragos, Harris and client Michael Jackson on a flight.

2009 – Represents Chris Brown when he is charged with assaulting his then girlfriend, Rihanna. Brown is sentenced to five years probation and ordered to complete a domestic violence program.

2013 – Geragos’ book, written with Pat Harris, “Mistrial: An Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice System Works…and Sometimes Doesn’t” is released.

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