Facebook rolls out video profile pictures

Lights, camera, action. Get ready to get more creative with your Facebook profile picture.

The company started rolling out several changes to the way mobile profile pages look on Wednesday.

Why? Facebook wants to give you as many ways to “express who you are” as possible.

First, you’ll soon be able to upload a short looping video as your profile picture. The video lasts seven seconds.

Think of it like a Vine video that replaces your profile picture.

Second, Facebook will let you set temporary profile pictures that revert back to your original one automatically after a certain period of time. For example, if you want people to know you’re on vacation, you can upload a photo that changes back to your normal one after a week.

Third and last, the company will also make your profile picture or video bigger and center it on top of your cover photo.

“We believe these improvements to profile will give people more ways to connect and share with each other, and express themselves in meaningful ways,” Facebook announced.

All of these changes will apply to mobile profiles first. No details were given about when they would roll out for desktop profiles.

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