Sixth grader goes Secret Service, meets Hillary Clinton

Richard Cherry LaBourene couldn’t get into Hillary Clinton’s Bay Area fundraiser on Monday afternoon, so the creative sixth grader did the best thing he could think to do: Dress like a secret service agent.

LaBourene, whose house was close to Clinton’s fundraiser, saw his street swarmed with unmarked cars and Secret Service agents in dark suits and even darker shades.

So LaBourene played along, stepping out of his house in his own suit, red and blue stripped tie and white shirt. He sported dark sunglasses he got from a spy kit and had an iPhone headphone hanging from his left ear. At one point, he even started talking into his wrist.

The only thing that gave him away — other than his stature and freckled baby face — was his purple socks.

“I saw that the Secret Service were out here and I kind of like the way they were looking so I kind of wanted to see if I could do that,” he said.

LaBourene’s plan was quickly noted. Secret Service agents standing outside the fundraiser were amused by kid’s creativity and presented him with a metal Secret Service lapel pin, making the youngster a member of their team if only for a few minutes.

The agents chatted with LaBourene, fixed his crooked tie and gave him some pointers.

“Go to college, study hard and start off on a local police force,” said one agent with a pat on the back.

LaBourene was impressed.

“They protect the President or maybe future president and they get to meet a lot of important people,” he said, adding that he admires them “very much.”

The scene amused more than just the agents — a handful of Clinton aides caught wind and ushered him — and his mother — to a private meeting with the former secretary and Democratic presidential front-runner.

“Hi, Richard,” Clinton said. “I hear you are going to protect me, my junior secret service agent. I love it.”

LaBourene said the meeting was “thrilling.”

“I thought it was really exciting to think that one day I can say, ‘oh, I met the president,'” he said.

This might not be the last time we see Agent LaBourene. His family said he may dress up as a Secret Service agent for Halloween. And his mom may go as Hillary Clinton.

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