McConnell wants to bar Hill Dems from budget talks

Top-level negotiations between Republican leaders in Congress and the White House to resolve multiple critical budget issues could begin “very soon,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday.

But the talks could be marred before even getting started after McConnell insisted in a phone call last week with President Barack Obama that House and Senate Democratic leaders not be allowed at the table, a demand the President refused to accept, multiple officials told CNN.

McConnell has suggested for weeks he expected to open talks directly with the White House, bypassing Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Chuck Schumer and other Democratic leaders with whom he has tenuous relations. A spokesman for McConnell wouldn’t comment on why he wanted to bar Democrats from the talks.

White House officials also declined to discuss the call, which took place last Thursday just before Obama met with Reid and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in the Oval Office, according to a Pelosi aide. But they pointed to recent comments by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest who said that Democrats must be part of any negotiation.

Reid insisted he would be part of any negotiations.

“We’ve been calling for responsible budget negotiations for months,” he said. “If there are any talks, I will be invited.”

McConnell announced at a press conference that the talks were set to begin.

“The President and Speaker (John) Boehner and I spoke about getting started in a discussion last week and I would expect them to start very soon,” he said.

News of the anticipated but long-awaited talks came a day before Congress was set to prevent a shutdown by approving a temporary spending bill to keep the government operating through December 11. The stopgap measure would “allow time for cooler heads to prevail,” McConnell said.

It also came days after Boehner, a known dealmaker, complicated the process by announcing he would leave Congress at the end of October. It was not clear what impact his sudden departure would have on what will be his final major budget negotiation. But some Democrats — who fear Boehner’s replacement will cower to demands from the right not to cut a deal — said they hope Boehner will wrap up all the remaining issues before retiring.

“I would hope that Boehner would make it easier on the people who are going to follow him,” Reid said. “Get it all done before he leaves.”

In an interview on Face the Nation Sunday, Boehner suggested he may want to do just that.

“I don’t want to leave my successor a dirty barn. I want to clean the barn up a little bit before the next person gets there,” Boehner said.

Washington faces several deadlines in the coming weeks related to government funding, the debt ceiling, money for highway and infrastructure construction, whether to renew the Export-Import Bank, and a slew of expiring tax provisions that need to be renewed.

Many Republicans want to break existing budget caps to increase spending for defense while most Democrats want to break the caps to increase funding for domestic programs. But the conservatives in the House who helped force Boehner’s exit say they want to rein in government spending and don’t want to break the caps at all.

McConnell said one of his top priorities in the talks will be to set a top line spending figure for this year and 2016, which would allow Congress to carry out a normal appropriations process next year, which will be complicated by the elections. Washington has run on “continuing resolutions” for some time, which don’t allow Congress to make changes to the way money is spent or to alter policies within government agencies.

“Let us at least be honest. With a continuing resolution, no waste will be cut. No spending will be cut. No regulations will be stopped. And the debt will continue to mount,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said in a floor speech explaining why he would vote against the continuing resolution.

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