Kevin McCarthy outlines differences between him, Boehner: ‘I won’t be as tan’

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he’s different than John Boehner: His skin tone doesn’t have quite the same hue.

“I won’t be as tan,” said the 50-year-old McCarthy, who is aiming to succeed the 65-year-old Boehner as speaker, at a new conference Tuesday.

He later added: “Look, I’m a little younger.”

Boehner quipped: “Just be careful, I’m standing right here.”

The lighthearted comments come as the California Republican is trying to showcase a different style than Boehner, who abruptly announced his resignation last week amid conservative complaints that he was not tough enough with the White House and Senate Republicans.

McCarthy is the leading contender for the speakership, but still faces some skepticism from conservatives who worry he will emulate Boehner.

After an hour-long GOP conference meeting, McCarthy defended Boehner’s leadership style, praising him for delivering a robust House majority.

“There’s a generational difference about us as well,” McCarthy said. “Look I’m a little younger, but look, I know what’s going on across the country and I’m concerned about what we hear. A lot of people in Washington concerned about power and institutions, and I’m concerned about making a difference in everybody’s lives. We want to make sure that we’re closer to the people. That they feel this is their government, they’re in charge, and we serve them. Now that’s not easy and it won’t change overnight but that’s our mission.”

After the meeting, Boehner said a date for leadership elections will be announced within the next two days. Many expect them to be held next week.

It’s unclear how ambitious Boehner’s legislative agenda will be before he resigns Oct. 30. He would not say Tuesday if he would try to advance a debt ceiling hike to avoid burdening his successor on an issue that badly divides his party.

“There are a number of issues that we are going to try to deal with over the coming month,” Boehner said. “But I’m not going to change my decision-making process.”

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