Donald Trump slams Marco Rubio as just a ‘kid’

Donald Trump slammed rival GOP presidential contender Florida Sen. Marco Rubio during an interview Thursday with CNN, calling the 44-year-old just a “kid.”

“Marco Rubio, he’s like a kid. He shouldn’t be running in this race as far as I’m concerned,” the 69-year-old Trump said.

Trump also disparaged Rubio’s public service, claiming he doesn’t do anything but sit at a desk.

“Marco Rubio sits behind a desk; sometimes and he reads stuff, he’s in committees so you know that’s all he does. I create jobs all day long,” Trump told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

“Believe me, I’ll know more about this than all of them put together,” Trump said. “If Marco Rubio’s good, how come we’re doing so badly? He’s a sitting U.S. senator so why doesn’t he do something about it? I’m not in government, he is in government. “

Trump’s fire comes after Rubio knocked Trump on Tuesday, suggesting the businessman is not prepared to take the helm as commander-in-chief.

“I think that the most important thing a president will ever do is provide for the national security of our country, and I think up to now, he hasn’t really answered serious questions about national security,” Rubio said on Fox News. “Until he does, there should be serious concerns, not just about him but about any candidate that’s not able to speak in detail, with clarity and with seriousness, about the national security threats that we face.”

Trump first took aim at Rubio — who is ascendent in polls following a strong performance in last week’s CNN debate — during a Tuesday night tweet, then again on Wednesday, during an appearance in South Carolina.

“I mean, Marco Rubio, as an example. He’s got no money, zero. Now, I think that’s OK, (but) … I mean, he’s got nothing,” said Trump, speaking before the Greater Charleston Business Alliance at a joint event with the South Carolina African-American Chamber of Commerce in North Charleston.

Trump — who is often mocked for his own signature coif — even went after Rubio’s hair.

“(Rubio) announced he was going to run because he’s overly ambitious, too young — and I have better hair than he does, right?” Trump said to cheers from the crowd.

But Trump told CNN on Thursday when it comes to foreign policy, he prefers to be “unpredictable” over revealing how he would address top national security issues like the threat of ISIS and U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Syria. He also slammed President Barack Obama for giving the U.S.’s enemies too much insight into U.S. policies.

“I don’t want the other side to know what my views are, where I’m coming from,” Trump said. “You’ve got to be cool and you’ve got to be unpredictable.”

Trump also mocked Obama for publicizing ISIS successes.

“Every time they kill mid-level accounting person from ISIS they have a news conference,” he said.

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