Hillary Clinton to discuss police brutality with activists

Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she will meet with Campaign Zero, an organization affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement working to end police brutality.

Activist Deray McKesson tweeted the presidential candidate Monday, requesting she meet with the group.

“.@HillaryClinton, we look forward to the details of your criminal justice platform. Will you be available to meet before its release?” he tweeted.

Clinton responded to McKesson the following day.

“@deray: Let’s meet; we want to hear from anyone ready to address this urgent problem and work toward solutions. Our team will follow up,” she tweeted.

A campaign spokesman told CNN that the meeting is happening but details, such as where and when the meeting will take place, are not yet set.

Campaign Zero’s website says “the next President needs to tell the truth about police violence and urgently enact a comprehensive agenda to address it.”

Clinton previously had a frank and at times tense discussion with Black Lives Matter activists in August about relations between police and communities of color.

Bernie Sanders met with Campaign Zero activists earlier this month.

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