Rick Santorum: Kim Davis should ‘follow her conscience’

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum said Supreme Court rulings are not automatically the “law of the land” and backed Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

“I would advise Kim Davis to follow her conscience,” Santorum said on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday.

Monday was Davis’ first day back at work since being held in contempt of court and jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses and barring her deputy clerks from doing the same. She was released by a judge last week under orders she not interfere with her deputies’ issuing the licenses.

Earlier Monday, Davis read a statement that she would not personally authorize any marriage licenses in her county, meaning if deputies issue licenses the certificates should not have her name on them.

“Because the Supreme Court says something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the law of the land,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “My belief is that when the Supreme Court acts beyond their constitutional authority, then we have every obligation to fight that.”

Santorum said the Court’s ruling noted that the details of how same-sex licenses are given out still needed to be hammered out, including accommodations for individuals.

Santorum said Davis should be given some sort of accommodation to not conflict with her religious beliefs.

“Kim Davis has every right to say this should be a religious accommodation,” he said. “I think that’s something that (the Kentucky) governor can do within his own conscience.”

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