First on CNN: Clinton invokes granddaughter in new TV spot

Hillary Clinton invokes her granddaughter, Charlotte, in her campaign’s newest television ad, the first time she has done so.

The ad, entitled “Every Child,” is the fifth ad released by the campaign and will go into the rotation currently running in New Hampshire and Iowa.

“When I look at my new granddaughter, I think to myself, ‘We are going to do everything we can to make sure she has opportunities in life. But what about all the kids?'” Clinton says to open the ad.

The remarks are taken from a campaign event Clinton held in North Las Vegas, Nevada, last month.

“You should not have to be the grandchild of a former president to know that you can make it in America,” Clinton says, using a phrase she often uses on the campaign trail.

The ad tracks with what the Clinton campaign hopes to make their new focus: Clinton as a more relative and spontaneous grandmother. After a trying summer, the Clinton campaign has tried to reset itself in September, hoping to cast Clinton as more fun and free than she has been viewed in the past.

Campaign aides feel that casting Clinton as a grandmother and mother shows her as she truly is and makes her more relatable.

Charlotte was born last September but has yet to be seen on the campaign trail. The ad features already-released photos of Hillary and Bill Clinton holding the baby in the hospital.

Clinton regularly mentions Charlotte on the campaign trail, however.

“Bill and I just stand around watching Charlotte. Whatever she does we think is marvelous, nobody has ever done it before,” she said earlier this month in Iowa. “She learns to clap her hands, we give her a standing ovation.”

The ad continues with Clinton stating that her “mission as president” will be “to make sure I do everything I can, every single day, to knock down the barriers, to open up the doors, so that every child has a chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.”

The ad is similar to Clinton’s direct-to-camera ad “Stretched,” where Clinton argues that “raising family incomes is the defining economic challenge of our time.”

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