Elizabeth Warren: I agree with Donald Trump on taxes

Elizabeth Warren has endorsed Donald Trump — on taxes, anyway.

Warren, the Massachusetts senator and populist champion, said Tuesday that she supports Trump’s proposal to levy higher taxes on the rich.

“There are a lot of places where he gets out and talks about important things,” Warren said during an appearance on “The View.” “Donald Trump and I both agree that there ought to be more taxation of the billionaires, the people who are making their money on Wall Street.”

Warren rejected co-host Joy Behar’s suggestion that Trump had taken a “liberal position.”

“It is a pretty right position,” Warren said, arguing that the majority of Americans share that view.

Warren’s praise is likely to give more ammunition to the conservatives who insist that Trump, the current frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination, is actually a liberal. The billionaire developer said last month that he’s in favor of raising taxes on wealthy Americans, winning the approval of another progressive icon: New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman.

But Warren made it clear that she’s not in Trump’s corner, saying that his pledge to deport 11 million immigrants should disqualify him for the White House.

“You can’t be president of the United States if that’s your view about how we’re going to solve immigration reform,” Warren said.

Warren offered other election observations on “The View,” the 19th season premiere for the talk show. She praised Bernie Sanders for “generating an enormous amount of interest, and said she didn’t know if Vice President Joe Biden will run for president. When asked if she would consider serving as Biden’s running mate, as has been rumored, Warren dodged.

“This isn’t about me,” she said. “I’m going to be out there talking about what I believe in, no matter what.”

However, there was one prominent candidate who didn’t get much attention during the interview: Hillary Clinton, whose name was mentioned only briefly by Behar. Warren never brought up the former secretary of state.

The show was friendly turf for Warren, who also made an appearance there last year. Behar, making her return to “The View” after a two-year absence, said Warren is “presidential material.”

“I wish that you would run,” Behar told the senator.

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