5 things to know for your New Day — Tuesday, September 8

Mike Huckabee rallies for Kim Davis. Pope Francis shakes up the church again. And Stephen Colbert comes back to TV

It’s Tuesday and here are the 5 things to know for your New Day


Rallying support: Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who’s behind bars for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, gets a high-profile visitor today. GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will stop by the jail where she’s being held for contempt of court. Afterwards, he’ll hold an “#ImWithKim Liberty Rally” outside. There will be a lot of traffic, but Kentucky school kids aren’t complaining. Five schools in area where the jail is located will be closed for the day just to cut down on congestion.


The times they are a-changin’: Pope Francis keeps adding to resume of shaking up the Catholic church. He’s expected to announce reforms today that will change the way Catholics may annul their marriages. Reading between the lines, the process may become simpler and less time consuming. In the United States, 28% of Catholic marriages end in divorce.


On edge: Tempers flared along Hungary’s border with Serbia as migrants grew tired of living in primitive conditions. They’re required to register as refugees before continuing their journeys. But the transit camp where they’re staying has little to offer in the way of services or food. The frustration fuels their discontent.


Fatally beaten: American Dahlia Yehia went to Nepal to help in the aftermath of April’s devastating earthquake. She was a free spirit. Also an artist and a teacher. In Yehia’s blog she said, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, and that’s how I want it to be for a while.” Police say she was beaten to death last month by a man who was hosting her in his home. Authorities are still searching for her body.


Back on TV: It’s “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” The reboot — sans David Letterman — premiers tonight on CBS, but what will we get? Colbert developed a loyal following on “The Colbert Report” playing a character. Will we like the real person just as much? It should be an exciting week with all the big-name guests. VP Joe Biden shows up tomorrow night. Maybe he’ll make a campaign announcement. That can’t be bad for ratings.

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