Fiorina blasts Clinton, asks why Trump is MIA

Republican hopeful Carly Fiorina said Monday that she feels like the only candidate going after Hillary Clinton and asked why Donald Trump is not training more of his attacks on the Democratic front-runner.

“Mrs. Clinton is the same person who compared Republicans to terrorists. For heaven’s sakes, I actually wish Mr. Trump would throw a little more heat Hillary Clinton’s way,” Fiorina said on “Fox and Friends.” “I feel sometimes as though I’m the only candidate who’s consistently been critical of her.”

Fiorina has ridden broad discontent with politicians to a strong footing in the Republican field, but she is still trailing Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Fiorina predicted that Clinton soon will renew gender-based attacks on Republicans.

“The truth is Mrs. Clinton has lied as secretary of state about Benghazi, about her emails, about her server,” Fiorina said. “And so when she revives this ‘war on women’ — and make no mistake she will — this is her go-to line.”

Fiorina, the only woman in the 17-person GOP field, was all-but assured a spot on the main debate stage next week after CNN amended its rules for the event. She won attention following a strong performance at the “kids table” debate Fox News hosted last month, featuring candidates trailing at the back of the pack.

Fiorina also blamed Clinton and President Barack Obama Monday for the refugee crisis sweeping through Europe, saying that their failures in Syria sparked the flood of migrants.

“So three years ago, in Syria, there were a lot of options available to us, but this administration stood back from all of those options. And when you fail to lead, what happens over time is your options diminish and situations worsen,” Fiorina said.

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