Trump: Bush should speak English when in the U.S.

Donald Trump took a jab Wednesday at Jeb Bush for using Spanish to dismiss the mogul’s conservative credibility.

“I like Jeb,” Trump told Breitbart News. “He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”

Trump was referring to the former Florida governor’s comments to reporters on Tuesday about Trump’s policies.

“El hombre no es conservador,” Bush said, which translates to, “This man is not a conservative.”

“He supports people like Nancy Pelosi. He has given money to Hillary Clinton. He’s been a Democrat longer than he’s been a Republican. He has said he’s felt more comfortable being a Democrat,” Bush said.

Trump was previously a Democrat who spoke out in favor of abortion rights. He’s now a Republican who opposes abortion rights, but he still supports increased taxes for the rich. Bush has seized on Trump’s past and the argument that Trump is not conservative has become something of a refrain of his criticism of the GOP frontrunner.

Trump dismissed Bush’s criticism in the Breitbart interview.

“You know, Ronald Reagan wasn’t a conservative,” Trump said. “He became a great conservative. By the time I’m finished, people will say I’m a great conservative.”

Trump continued, suggesting that he would run for re-election in 2020.

“By the time I’m finished with the presidency, after eight years of the presidency, people will say I’m a great conservative — far greater than Jeb would ever have the ability to be,” he said.

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