Poll: 82% of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably

Donald Trump often vows he’ll win the Hispanic vote if he becomes the Republican candidate for president next year.

If so, he might have some work to do.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll released Wednesday finds that the real estate magnate is viewed unfavorably by 82% of Hispanics, with 68% feeling “strongly so.” Just 15% of those surveyed view Trump favorably.

Those numbers are a sharp contrast to the Spanish-speaking Jeb Bush, who is viewed favorably by 43% of Hispanic voters, a higher percentage than is usual for Republicans.

But only 39% of whites have a favorable view of Bush, compared to 48% who have a positive opinion of Trump.

Trump’s appeal with whites could be boosting his chances in the race for the Republican nomination. In the 2012 Republican nomination contest, whites made up an average of 95% of the electorate across 20 states where entrance or exit polls were conducted for CNN among GOP primary voters or caucus attendees.

Trump has received widespread criticism from Latinos because of his inflammatory rhetoric about Mexican immigrants, and last week drew attention when he allowed security to escort Univision anchor Jorge Ramos out of his news conference.

That same outspoken, candid language has helped Trump surge to the top of Republican primary polls, where he’s remained for weeks.

The poll comes as Republicans are trying to expand its base after Mitt Romney won only 27% of the Hispanic vote in 2012.

Trump, however, has been attempting to extend some olive branches. He met on Tuesday with Javier Palomarez, the president of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and both parties said the meeting went well.

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