Dylan Byers joining CNNMoney and CNN Politics

Now here’s a great media : Dylan Byers, the superbly well-sourced media reporter at Politico, is joining CNNMoney and CNN Politics.

Byers will be our senior reporter for media and politics, covering the intersection of the two increasingly-connected worlds.

He’ll start on September 14, just in time for CNN’s Republican presidential primary debate on September 16.

Byers is a scoop machine. When I’ve been offline for more than a few hours, the way I see what I’ve missed is by checking his Twitter feed.

Soon we’ll be working together on stories instead of trying to beat each other to them.

He’ll also contribute to “Reliable Sources” and other CNN programs.

Here’s how Lex Haris and Rachel Smolkin, the editors of Money and Politics respectively, describe Byers in the internal memo that’s about to go out:

“Dylan comes to us from Politico where he distinguished himself as a fearless reporter on all things media, willing to take on political figures and media organizations. He’s fast, provocative — and makes news that people want to talk about.”

Byers will supercharge our CNNMoney media team, which has been assembled over the past year at a time when other news outlets have cut back on media reporting.

The team includes Tom Kludt, Frank Pallotta, editor Mark Mooney, senior producer Molly Shiels, and the stellar producers of “Reliable Sources.”

I spelled out the vision for it back in June when the media section launched — an integrated team online and on air — and it’s about to get even stronger.

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