‘Ready for Kanye’ committee formed

One Republican in Maryland is ready for President Kanye West.

The night after West claimed at MTV’s Video Music Awards that he’s running for president in 2020, the “Ready for Kanye” committee — which, in theory, would allow the group to raise money for an effort to draft the rapper into the presidential race — was filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The committee was started by Eugene Craig III, a Maryland conservative activist. And it’s possible he’s just trolling West.

Craig on Twitter calls himself a grass-roots activist for liberty and a Maryland GOP local official. The Bowie State University student has also launched the Young Minority Republican Fund, a political action committee. He didn’t answer phone calls to the number he listed on FEC records.

West — who, along with his wife, reality television star Kim Kardashian, recently posed for a picture with Hillary Clinton — made his unofficial foray into a political campaign on Sunday night.

“It’s not about me. It’s about ideas. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth,” West said. “And yes, as you probably could’ve guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.”

It’s not clear how serious he was about it. West told the audience that prior to going on stage, he had “rolled up a little something. It knocked the edge off.”

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