Police put kibosh on Seinfeld lemonade stand; oh, but there’s cookies

Oh. Kids selling lemonade illeeegal. Okaaaay, officer. No permit. Riiight. The perrrrrmit. How could we forget the permit??

A neighbor called the cops on Jerry Seinfeld, his son and some young pals for selling lemonade without a permit by the roadside in the Hamptons, CNN affiliate News 12 Long Island reported. Seems a neighbor didn’t like that.

The officer made them shut down the stand.

Whaddaya do now? Make an irreverent joke out of it, if you’re Seinfeld — what else?

With the officer in still the background, the master of wry observation comedy posed with his son Julian and two of his friends with their hands behind their heads for a photo. Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica Seinfeld, posted it to her verified Facebook account.

“Lemonade dreams crushed by local neighbor but not before raising lots of money for @loverecycled,” she wrote. “Thanks to all of our customers and big tippers! thanks Xander and Jaden for crushing it today with Julian and Jerry.”

@LoveRecycled is the Twitter handle of Jessica Seinfeld’s charity Baby Buggy, which provides families in need with clothing and other essentials.

That’s what the lemonade money was for. And there is plenty of that in East Hampton Village — money, that is. It’s a country living bedroom community for New York City stars and Wall Street billionaires. A wreck of a house there can reportedly go for about $5 million.

Well. Neighbors don’t like lemonade stands? OK. Bake sale.

A bakery in Southhampton donated cookies, and the Seinfelds were back in business, this time peddling cookies for the charity.

“Out of the slammer in time to enjoy some cookies sent by our friends at @Tate’s,” Jessica Seinfeld wrote, as she plugged the bakery in a new Facebook post with a photo of her comedian husband posing with kids and cookies.

But calling the police on the drink stand may not yet be forgiven. She included a quip about it.

“‘Love Thy Neighbor Lemonade’ anyone?”

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