Trump meets with families of victims of undocumented immigrants

Donald Trump met Friday with the families of victims killed by undocumented immigrants.

The meeting happened for a few minutes outside of Trump’s motorcade after he addressed an event here that asked attendees to donate money, though Trump insisted the event was not a fundraiser.

Maria Espinoza of the Remembrance Project, a nonprofit founded in 2009 that advocates for the families of those killed by undocumented immigrants, told CNN before meeting with Trump that the real estate mogul “has come out telling the truth about illegal immigration.”

She added that she was “very appreciative of what Mr. Trump has done for the families whose loved ones were killed.”

Trump told CNN while he was getting in a car that the families are “incredible people.”

“They’re incredible people who have been devastated by the crime, the crime wave of the illegal immigrants,” he said. “What’s happened to these people is just a shame. These are great, great people, and we are not going to allow it to continue.”

Last month, Trump met with families of victims of undocumented immigrants in the wake of the killing of a San Francisco woman.

Illegal immigration has been a key issue for Trump that has helped fuel his rise to the top of the GOP presidential pack.

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