Donald Trump impersonates Asian negotiators

In a speech in Iowa on Tuesday night, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump — who has regularly promoted his negotiating skills as a selling point for his presidency — used broken English to briefly impersonate Asian negotiators.

“When these people walk into the room, they don’t say, ‘Oh hello, how’s the weather? It’s so beautiful outside. How are the Yankees doing? They’re doing wonderful, that’s great,” Trump said, to some laughter from the crowd. “They say, ‘We want deal!'”

Trump said Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and his chief Republican primary opponent, is “low energy” and would “jump out of the seat” at such a declaration. In many polls, Bush is polling second nationally behind Trump and is the most frequent target of Trump’s ire.

On Tuesday, Trump slammed Bush for digging himself into a deeper hole while trying to explain his “anchor babies” comment, saying the term “frankly, more related to Asian people,” than Hispanic people.

“Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!” Trump tweeted.

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