5 things to know for your new day — Tuesday, August 25

The markets keep investors guessing. Joe Biden considers a White House bid. And Peyton Manning passes with little feeling.

It’s Tuesday, and here are five things to know for your new day:


Sinking feeling: Hear that noise? That’s the sound of your 401k circling the drain. Another week, another selloff. World markets are in a tailspin, largely fueled by China’s economic slowdown. The Dow opens the day after a loss of nearly 600 points yesterday. As bad as it was, it could have been worse. At one point, the Dow was off nearly 1,100 points.


Will he or won’t he?: He’s kissed the ring. Can a White House bid be far behind for Vice President Joe Biden? A senior Democrat says Biden met with President Barack Obama and has his blessing to make a 2016 presidential bid. Biden is starting to huddle with folks who could form a campaign team. People involved say Biden is leaning toward running, but hasn’t made up his mind to join the Democratic race with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.


Out with the old: The new municipal court judge in Ferguson, Missouri, is cleaning house. Gone are all the old arrest warrants that were issued before this year. It means people caught for minor violations are much less likely to end up behind bars. A local activist calls it an olive branch for the community. Back in March, a Justice Department civil rights investigation said the police and the courts engaged in a “pattern and practice” of discrimination against African-Americans.


Risked their lives: New details in the shooting death of a Louisiana state trooper reveal that two good Samaritans may have saved lives by wrestling the gun from the suspect. Authorities say Kevin Daigle of Lake Charles, Louisiana, will be charged with murder for the death of State Trooper Steven Vincent following a weekend traffic encounter. The suspect tried to flee the scene after allegedly shooting Vincent, but other motorists wrestled a shotgun from him and detained him with the trooper’s own handcuffs.


Can’t feel a thing: Denver Broncos QB Peyton Manning let us in on a little secret. Since his neck surgeries in 2011, he hasn’t had any feeling in his fingertips — something you would think an elite NFL quarterback might need to succeed in the league. Despite his tactile troubles, Manning has averaged more touchdown passes the last three years than he did before his neck problems. Not bad work, Mr. Manning.

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