Programs Announced at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – Officials at the Parker Dam State Park have announced programs for Aug. 27-30.

Thursday, Aug. 27

Throwback Thursdays – Heptathlon 

6:30 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  

Each week throughout the summer, a different topic on ‘primitive skills’ has been covered.  This week – we put it all together.  We’ll take seven of the skills taught earlier and let all participants compete…for fun of course.  You can get scored on archery, atlatl throwing, using a bolas, starting a matchless fire, throwing a spear, using a sling and sling-staff.

Friday, Aug. 28

Nature Nut – Woodpeckers

8:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater  

Fridays are nutty this year.  Watch John Acorn, the Nature Nut, in a series of video programs that are as entertaining as they are educational. This week’s episode – woodpeckers.  These birds use their unique adaptations to survive and is a reason that many people enjoy seeing them.

Saturday, Aug. 29

Fungi – PA’s Hidden Treasures

10 a.m. – Environmental Education Classroom

Watch as we explore the not so well known world of fungi.  It’s a class of organisms with some incredible species with important duties.

Timber Rattlers

1:30 p.m. – Beach House steps 

Do you really know the truth about these reptiles with such a bad reputation?  Chances are, some of what you think that you know, isn’t really true.  Learn how they survive in their habitat and why the poor reputation of Timber rattlesnakes is so unfounded.

Orienteering Basics

2 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  

It is a skill perhaps not necessary in a world full of GPS units. But knowing how to use a map and compass effectively could save your life – plus, it’s fun and rewarding when you can complete an entire orienteering course.

Natural Laundry Detergent

3 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  

Whether you’re looking to reduce spending or improve your environmental footprint, making home-made laundry soap can be a rewarding activity for the whole family.  As we discuss the benefits, we’ll make a batch from which you can take home a sample to try.

Waxing, Waning, Quarter, Full

4 p.m. – Beach House steps 

Tonight is the full moon.  So, how does that all work?  Learn the “why” of the moon phases and more interesting facts about the moon.

GPS Basics

6 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  

Learn the basics of using a GPS: how they work, how to navigate using one, and the recreation of geocaching.  The park has GPS units for you to use during the program.

The Complete Guide to Geocaching

8:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater

Learn the history of geocaching, how to find your first geocache, how to properly place a good geocache, and much more.

Sunday, Aug. 30

E Parachute Games: 

3 p.m. – Beach 

Have some fun with a 30-foot parachute while learning a little bit about the environment.  All ages are welcome.

Homemade Soap Making

6 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom  

NOTE: Due to materials needed, there is a $ fee and all participants must pre-register.

Natural soap making is a traditional craft using natural products that (once finished) do not harm our health or our environment.  Join us as we discuss and demonstrate the process in the traditional way.  Contact the Park Office (814-765-0630) to pre-register.

Tea and Toasted Marshmallows

7 p.m. – Beach House 

Bring your own cup or mug to sample some sweet fern/mountain mint tea grown right here in the park.  Today is National Toasted Marshmallow Day; and we shall celebrate around the old campfire.

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