Trump: O’Malley ‘weak’ and ‘pathetic’ for apologizing to Black Lives Matter

Donald Trump says Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley was “weak” and “pathetic” for apologizing to Black Lives Matter protesters.

Fox News aired a preview Friday of an interview with the leading GOP candidate that will air Saturday.

Trump was reacting to O’Malley apologizing to Black Lives Matters protesters last month for saying, “Black Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. All Lives Matter.”

“And then he apologized like a little baby, like a disgusting, little weak, pathetic baby, and that’s the problem with our country,” Trump said.

The real estate developer said O’Malley’s attempt at being “politically correct” was actually “politically incorrect.”

“How can you apologize when you say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ which is true, ‘White Lives Matter,’ which is true, ‘All Lives Matter,’ which is true,” Trump asked. “And then they [Black Lives Matter activists] get angry because you said ‘white’ and ‘all’ – ‘We don’t want you to mention that.'”

O’Malley’s campaign responded Friday afternoon, saying Trump engages in “hate speech.”

“Governor O’Malley stands with those who have the guts to stand up to Donald Trump’s hate speech. It speaks volumes about the Republican Party today that this is their front-runner,” said Lis Smith, O’Malley deputy campaign manager. “Unlike the rest of the Republican field, we’re not interested in engaging in a race to the bottom with Mr. Trump.”

Trump previously criticized Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders for giving up his microphone to protesters at an event in Seattle.

“That will never happen with me,” Trump said. “I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will, but that was a disgrace.”

CNN commentator Donna Brazille wrote an opinion piece for CNN last month that said “All Lives Matter” can sound dismissive when used as a response to “Black Lives Matter.”

“Of course ALL lives matter. But there is no serious question about the value of the life of a young white girl or boy. Sadly, there is a serious question — between gang violence and this police violence — about the value of the life of a young black girl or boy,” she wrote. “So those who are experiencing the pain and trauma of the black experience in this country don’t want their rallying cry to be watered down with a generic feel-good catchphrase.”

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