Team Clinton ties Bush to Trump on ‘anchor babies’

Seeking to tie Jeb Bush to Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign published a bilingual video on immigration Thursday morning that tied the two Republican candidates together.

The campaign hits Trump, the Republican front-runner, and Bush, the Clinton campaign’s most common GOP target, on comments both made about “anchor babies,” a term some used for children of undocumented immigrants who gain U.S. citizenship by being born in the country.

The simple online video shows video of Trump in New Hampshire on Wednesday night saying, “I’ll use the word ‘anchor baby.'”

The Republican front-runner has pledged to change birthright citizenship, telling journalists that he doesn’t believe the 14th Amendment — which guarantees anyone born in the United States citizenship — applies to children of undocumented immigrants.

“I don’t think they have American citizenship,” he told Fox News this week.

The comments have been blasted by Democrats, immigration activists and by Bush, who defended birth right citizenship in interviews.

“Mr. Trump can say that he’s for this because people are frustrated that it’s abused,” Bush told CBS. “But we ought to fix the problem rather than take away rights that are constitutionally in doubt.”

The video doesn’t mention that quote, instead playing comments the former Florida governor made on Bill Bennett’s radio show earlier this week, where he called for “better enforcement so you don’t have these, um, you know, anchor babies as they are described, coming into the country.”

A slate then appears which simply says, “Who’s ‘the reasonable one’ again?”

All the comments are translated into Spanish with subtitles.

Xochitl Hinojosa, campaign spokeswoman for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, labeled both comments “hateful rhetoric” in an email to reporters Thursday.

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