South Carolina GOP 2016 forums to focus on Supreme Court plans

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson will moderate a series of forums with the Republican presidential candidates next month, focusing on the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

“I am excited about the opportunity to talk with presidential candidates about the issues I have had to deal with as attorney general,” Wilson told CNN.

The events will be organized by Conservative Leadership Project, a nonprofit education organization with a mission “to educate and engage Americans on the rule of law and the broad reaching impact of our judicial system.”

Sixteen Republican candidates have agreed to participate, and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore was invited Thursday. A spokeswoman for the event said they “hope he can join us as well.”

The first event will be held on Sept. 3 with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in Rock Hill.

Honing in on the Supreme Court especially appeals to Wilson, he said.

“During the first term of the next president, four Supreme Court justices will be in their 80s, which is why it is so important for citizens to understand the judicial philosophy of various candidates as who they may appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal agencies,” Wilson said.

In early primary states like South Carolina, elected officials practically trample one another with presidential primary events. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott regularly hosts town halls throughout the state, including one with Bobby Jindal on Thursday, and Rep. Jeff Duncan will throw a Faith and Freedom BBQ with a handful of invited candidates on Monday.

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