Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura OK with Bernie Sanders tag team ticket

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse “The Body” Ventura said Friday he would gladly join either Republican Donald Trump’s ticket or Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders ticket.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked the former professional wrestler on CNN’s “New Day” if he would consider running with Sanders, as well as Trump, and he replied: “Absolutely, either one of them.”

“If either one of them truly wanted to grab the independent — and believe me I am the voice of the independent voter in this United States of America,” Ventura said.

Ventura heaped praise on both Trump and Sanders.

“I think Donald Trump is wonderful, that he’s shaking the system and it needs to be shaken to its core. We have a government in Washington that’s broken clearly and it needs to be shaken up and Trump is doing that and so is Bernie Sanders,” he said. “I look at both their campaigns and I see great parallels to my campaign in Minnesota where the media attacks you at every direction but yet the people stand and support you.”

Ventura won the governor’s office in 1998 as a member of the Reform Party, but later left the party. He equated his victory with the populist campaigns of Trump and Sanders.

“And look at who ultimately won in Minnesota — Jesse Ventura did; beat the Democrats and the Republicans.”

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