Donald Trump: ‘I whine until I win’

Donald Trump’s plans to make America great again are going to include a lot of whining.

Trump on Tuesday morning in an interview on CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day” proclaimed that he is “the most fabulous whiner” when confronted with an opinion piece that criticized him using the same label.

“I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win,” Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday.

Trump was pressed for specifics on the issues he’s raised on the campaign trail and touched on every issue from abortion to equal pay for women to foreign policy during the half-hourlong interview on Tuesday.

And Trump also refuted a report that he was considering ruling out a third-party run.

“I’m running as a Republican, I’m leading in every poll…I’m leading all over the place and I want to run as a Republican,” Trump said. “If I am treated fairly that’s the way it’s going to be but I want to keep that door open. I have to keep that door open because if something happens where I’m not treated fairly I may very well use that door.”

Trump added that an independent run is “not something I want to do.”

ABC News reported Monday that Trump was considering ruling out a third-party run, citing an unnamed senior adviser.

That came days after Trump refused to pledge to rule out a third party run and support the Republican nominee whoever it might be, when asked about it during the Republican primary debate last Thursday.

“It’s amazing how many so-called senior advisers I have. Everybody’s a senior adviser and a longtime adviser,” Trump quipped in a separate interview on Fox News on Tuesday.

Trump’s Tuesday morning Fox News appearance was his first since he criticized the Fox News moderators of Thursday’s debate and sparked a controversy by going after Megyn Kelly, saying there was “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

That comment was largely interpreted as a reference to menstruation, which Trump has fiercely denied.

But Trump seems to have buried the hatchet with Fox News, telling one of the show’s morning anchors that “we’ve always been friends” as he was welcomed back onto the network.

Trump again slammed those who interpreted his comments as referring to menstruation on CNN, saying only “a deviant” and those with “sick minds” or “semi-sick minds” would think that.

He instead again pivoted to slamming former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush who suggested half-a-billion dollars to fund women’s health was too much. Bush later said he “misspoke” and meant to critique only the half-a-billion dollars in funding Planned Parenthood receives.

“I think Jeb Bush owes women an apology because he made a terrible statement about women’s health issues and it was a foolish statement and perhaps a stupid statement,” Trump said. “He’s the one that has to apologize to women.”

Trump also lambasted Planned Parenthood, the health care organization and abortion provider that has been under fire after undercover videos were published online

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