Donald Trump calls for ‘civil’ debate

As GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has made news all summer for attacking members of his own party, the real estate mogul promised that would be “very civil” at the first Republican presidential debate of the cycle Thursday.

“I don’t want to attack anybody. Maybe I’ll be attacked and maybe not,” Trump said on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” adding “I’d rather just discuss the issues.”

Although Trump says he will be the number one target on everyone’s radar, he said, “I’m going to have to do something back, but I’d like to be very civil.”

After a series of recent, public feuds between Trump and other Republican presidential candidates, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Trump got in another dig at his opponents, saying he was “honored” to see both Graham and Perry both “down [in the polls] very substantially.”

Both candidates were unable to snag a spot in the primetime Fox News debate, and will instead participate in a debate of seven candidates airing at 5 p.m. Thursday.

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