Poll: Sanders trails Clinton by 6 points in New Hampshire

A new poll finds Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders trailing Hillary Clinton by just 6 points in the crucial nominating state of New Hampshire.

A WMUR Granite State Poll released Tuesday shows Sanders with 36% support among likely Democratic primary voters and Clinton — the frontrunner for the nomination — at 42%.

The poll is similar to WMUR’s survey in June that found Clinton led Sanders 43% to 35%. The new poll, taken July 22-30, shows Sanders’ initial surge has some staying power.

The poll’s margin of error is plus or 5.9 percentage points.

Vice President Joe Biden garnered 5% support in the survey, though he has not yet decided whether or not he will enter the race. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley tallied 1%, as did former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb.

The poll was welcome news for Sanders’ team.

“The more people know about Bernie the more they like him and his ideas for helping the middle class and taking on the billionaire class,” said Michael Briggs, Sanders’ spokesman, in an email to CNN.

Clinton’s campaign did not respond to requests for a comment.

Despite Sanders’ proximity to Clinton, most Democrats in New Hampshire feel he will be the nominee.

According to the poll, 68% of likely Democratic primary voters said Clinton would be the eventual winner, compared to 17% for Sanders.

Nationally, Clinton still enjoys a sizable lead over Sanders and other 2016 Democrats. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that Clinton had a 34 percentage point lead over Sanders.

But Clinton has been dogged by falling favorably numbers for the last month. The same NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that showed Clinton with a large lead also carried bad news: 37% of Americans viewed there former secretary of state negatively, compared to 48% who held a positive view.

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