Gawker publishes Donald Trump’s phone number

Donald Trump just got a taste of his own medicine.

Two weeks after Trump publicized the phone number of Sen. Lindsey Graham, a competing Republican presidential candidate, the Gawker website published what it claimed was the billionaire businessman’s cell phone number.

It’s clear now the number is linked to Trump and the voicemail has since been changed to a recorded message from Trump.

“Hi this is Donald Trump and I’m running for the presidency of the United States of America. With your help and support, together we can make America truly great again,” Trump says in the message, before directing callers to his Twitter page and campaign website.

The campaign put out a statement on Monday calling the number “very old.”

“This is not one he uses. Mr. Trump has several numbers so this is not an issue,” the campaign said.

A CNN reporter reached a busy dialtone when calling the number several times on Monday before ultimately reaching a voicemail, which was full.

“Please leave your name and message and you’ll be called back shortly,” a woman’s voice said in the voicemail greeting.

The Gawker reporter Sam Biddle said in his post that one of Trump’s aides answered the phone when he called but claimed that he also reached Trump directly by calling the number.

MSNBC said Monday the number is the same Trump used to call in to the network in June.

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