Rand Paul: Media to blame for Donald Trump’s surge in polls

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul blamed the national media Thursday for Donald Trump’s vaulting to the front of the Republican pack in several recent polls.

“Television works, Wolf,” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “If you would give some other candidates time from eight in the morning to eight at night all day long for three weeks, I’m guessing some other candidates might rise as well.”

The most recent national poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that Trump was well ahead of others in the 16-person field, with 20% support. Paul is jammed in with the second tier of Republican candidates earning between 4% and 6% support.

Blitzer asked Paul why his support was lagging right now. Paul immediately blamed the free airtime Trump was getting.

“So, for example, while some people are hearing about one candidate all the time, very few people know I’ve offered a tax code, that you could fill out your taxes on one page (at) 14.5%,” Paul said. “So if I had a billion dollars’ worth of advertising and every network going gaga over that, I think we could get ours to rise also.”

But Paul took a longer view of the race and, like many Republicans, ultimately dismissed Trump.

“But there’s going to be time for that,” Paul said. “I think this is a temporary loss of sanity, but we’re gonna come back to our senses and look for somebody to lead our country at some point.”

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