Paul digs into Planned Parenthood, looks to own issue

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is looking to grab hold of the outrage over the release of anti-Planned Parenthood videos, a topic that has lit up the conservative base of the Republican Party.

“I think a lot of people are disturbed that (ultrasound) technology is actually being used, maybe illegally, to try and harvest organs,” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday. “As far as what Planned Parenthood does other than abortion, everything else they do is done by community health centers also.”

Anti-abortion activists released the fourth in a series of heavily-edited Planned Parenthood sting videos Thursday, detailing covert discussions about the purchase of fetal tissue.

The Paul campaign said Thursday it was releasing an ad touting Paul’s pro-life record Friday, but declined to say how much would be spent and whether it would air on television.

“Rand Paul is taking action. As a pro-life doctor, Rand Paul cared for premature babies to save their sight. As a conservative leader, Rand is forcing the vote this week to end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood,” the narrator says in the spot.

He’s not the only 2016 Republican presidential candidate to attack the organization on Thursday. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush looked to capitalize on the uproar, circulating an online petition seeking to defund Planned Parenthood.

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