Anti-Defamation League: Huckabee ‘completely out of line’

The Anti-Defamation League, a prominent Jewish advocacy group, slammed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s comments Sunday that Obama is marching Israelis to “the door of the oven” by agreeing to the Iran nuclear deal.

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the national director of the organization, issued a statement, calling the Republican 2016 hopeful’s comments invoking the Holocaust “completely out of line and unacceptable.”

“Israeli military and security officials have repeatedly said the Obama Administration has been as strong as any other American administration in keeping Israel secure,” Greenblat writes.

“To hear Mr. Huckabee invoke the Holocaust when America is Israel’s greatest ally and when Israel is a strong nation capable of defending itself is disheartening,” Greenblat continues.

Huckabee used social media Sunday to stand by his comments, tweeting “Tell Congress to do their constitutional duty & reject the Obama-Kerry #IranDeal” as well as quotes from the Ayatollah Khamenei making threats against Israel.

While the debate over the Iran deal is “serious,” the ADL called on both parties, as well as presidential candidates, “to conduct the debate responsibly and civilly.”

The ADL sent a letter to members of Congress last week, asking them to carefully review the Iran deal by pushing for answers from the administration on key questions that would “…decrease the likelihood Iran will become a nuclear weapons state.”

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