Clinton confronted by climate change protests at town hall

Hillary Clinton was confronted about her stance on climate change by a group of protestors who were participating in her New Hampshire town hall meeting Thursday.

The former secretary of State and 2016 hopeful was first asked a “yes or no” question about banning the extraction of fossil fuels from public grounds.

“The answer is no until we get alternatives into place,” Clinton responded.

This answer however did not satisfy all members of the audience, despite Clinton’s vocal support of President Barack Obama’s climate change initiatives and noting the “existential threat” climate change poses to the future.

“I’m going to be honest, I was disappointed by the answer that you gave before about climate change,” another audience member voiced later during the town hall.

Clinton was then asked if her “refusal to take leadership on climate change” was because of contributors for her campaign who came from the fossil fuel industry.

Clinton simply replied “No, no it is not.”

However, while continuing to respond to this question, it sparked a response from a number of audience members who began chanting, “Act on climate.”

A man behind one of the hecklers attempted to forcefully push the young woman back down in her seat. Once, the chanting ceased, Clinton continued to voice her support of climate change legislation.

“I certainly would have public lands on the list of things we have to address, there’s no doubt about that,” Clinton said. “My biggest problem is trying to figure out how we do what we need to do absent a congress who will support what we need to do.”

“I would urge you to run for office and have your voices heard,” Clinton said to the hecklers.

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