Who Clinton was looking for in New Hampshire

Hillary Clinton shook hands with countless supporters this weekend.

But there was one backer she recognized in particular when she made her fourth visit to New Hampshire as a presidential candidate: 9-year-old Ollie Olsen.

In June, Clinton held a rally outside Concord, New Hampshire, and signed a number of souvenirs supporters had left for her, one of which was a note Ollie wrote excusing him from school that day.

Ollie didn’t realize she had signed it until the campaign tweeted out a picture, and he didn’t get to meet the Democratic presidential hopeful.

But at Friday’s grassroots event in Hanover, Ollie told CNN that Clinton came right up to him and said, “You’re Ollie!”

“She said, ‘You’re the boy from the note,’ and she noticed my grandma was a really good tennis player,” he said.

Ollie was there with his mom Sarah, her boyfriend and her parents, and said they have no idea how she knew Sarah’s mother, Lee, was a tennis player.

“I’m sure she was briefed, but that was really cute and just made us feel very special, even when she was about to go on stage in front of all these people she just made us feel very important,” Sarah Olsen told CNN.

Ollie and Clinton didn’t talk for long, but they did take a picture with the note.

Ollie plans to campaign for Clinton this fall and said he’s excited that Hillary Clinton could be the first woman president.

“It would be important because she would be the first woman president and that would be a lot of education for other kids learning Hillary Clinton was the first woman president,” he told CNN. “It would be, like, as big as Abraham Lincoln.”

For Sarah Olsen, the meeting is an important part of Ollie’s education as a future New Hampshire voter.

“We want Ollie to go to all the different events and see Republicans and see Bernie Sanders and just kind of experience it and be able to make up his own mind for what he wants,” she told CNN. “None of his friends know anything about politics. Granted, they’re only 9, they don’t vote for a while. They just completely don’t understand why are all these people coming to New Hampshire, why this is so important.”

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