Indiegogo fund for Greece raises $1.1 million – only $1.8 billion to go

That’ll pay for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ farewell party!

An Indiegogo account created to help Greece pay off its bailout loan has raised over one million euros ($1.1 million U.S.) in five days.

The campaign set a goal to raise the 1.6 billion euros ($1.8 billion U.S.) needed to allow Greece to pay off its loan from the International Monetary Fund.

“With the overwhelming popularity of the Greece Bailout Fund campaign, it is clear how passionate people are about the situation in Greece and they want their voices heard,” Indiegogo CEO Slava Rubin told CNNMoney.

Among those who have chipped in is British actress Emma Watson, of Harry Potter movie fame, who tweeted, “I’ve donated x” and included a link to the indiegogo site.

Donors who give 3 euros get a postcard of Tsipras and those who contribute 6 euros get a Greek salad.

It was so popular that Thom Feeney, the British man who created the fund, reported via Twitter on Tuesday that the site had crashed. The site has now been rebooted and donors can again make contributions to the fund.

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