Clinton to tackle race again at National Urban League conference

Hillary Clinton will once again turn to the topics of race and inequality when she speaks at the National Urban League’s annual conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, later this month.

The speech, set for July 31, will give Clinton a chance to reach one of the largest gatherings of African-Americans of the cycle, with an expected attendance of over 10,000 people over the course of the 3-day event.

The address comes as Clinton continues to make race and inequality central to her campaign for the Democratic nomination.

In April, she used her first major policy speech to address racial disparities in the criminal justice system.

And in the wake of the killings of nine African-Americans in a racially motivated attack in Charleston church, Clinton called for gun control and appealed to white Americans to honestly confront the problem of racism. She also traveled to Missouri, where the death of Michael Brown almost a year ago sparked nationwide protests and a national focus on police brutality.

Led by Marc Morial, the National Urban League is non-partisan and its annual conferences often draw top business and political leaders.

Sen. Rand Paul, who is currently pursuing the GOP presidential nomination, spoke at their conference in 2014.

Polls show that Clinton has an edge with African-American voters, a constituency that helped Obama defeat her in 2009. Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s nearest competitor, is starting to introduce himself to African-American voters, an acknowledgment of the importance of this bloc to his chances in the primary and beyond.

Notably, the convention is in Florida, an important swing state where black voters made up 13% of the electorate in 2012.

Clinton is also scheduled to address the National Council of La Raza on July, where she will have an audience of 2,000 Latino community leaders.

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