Chris Christie shows Springsteen who’s the boss: Jon Bon Jovi

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the freshly minted 2016 Republican presidential candidate and long-time Bruce Springsteen fan, chose to open Tuesday’s event with … (surprise!) … Jon Bon Jovi.

Christie’s appreciation for Bon Jovi is no secret. He’s regularly opened his New Jersey town hall’s with Bon Jovi’s “Have a Nice Day” and when pressed on the issue by CNN back in April, he made his preference clear:

Bon Jovi, who just last night hosted a successful fundraiser for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in Red Bank, New Jersey, gave Christie permission to use his songs despite political differences.

“My friendship’s apolitical and yes, I absolutely gave him permission to use the songs,” according to a statement from the New Jersey rocker.

Bon Jovi’s spokesman says the two are friendly, but that Bon Jovi is a very active supporter of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, too, is known to use Jovi’s music at her events.

As for Springsteen — well, maybe we’ll hear his music later in the campaign?

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