Chris Christie video signals 2016 bid

Chris Christie leaves little room for interpretation about his presidential ambitions in a new video released Sunday in which the New Jersey governor all but declares his candidacy.

The video ends with the words “Christie 2016” in large type on the screen leaving little doubt of what this signals. Both the video and the new website prominently feature a slogan, “Telling It Like It Is.”

In the video, paid for by Christie for President 2016, the governor is seen talking to voters at a town hall about his Sicilian mother in a crowd-winning monologue — one that he often delivers in front of audiences to explain where he gets the direct, tough-talking disposition that’s made him famous in recent years.

Using humor to describe her frank parenting style, Christie attempts to drive home an air of authenticity and portray himself as someone always willing to be open and honest, especially if he runs for president. His recent town hall series, for example, is labeled the “Tell It Like It Is” tour.

“I know if my mom were still alive, she would say to me, ‘I taught you that in a trusting relationship, you don’t hold anything back. And if you’re going to run for president of the United States and you’re going to ask these people for their vote, that is the single most trusting thing they can do as a citizen, is to give you their support. So you better tell them exactly what you’re thinking and exactly what you’re feeling.’ And when you ask about my moral compass — that’s it, that’s it.”

Christie’s memories of his mother—many of which he shares in public settings, including an emotional story about the last time he saw her–help soften his image but also help explain the unusual bluntness that has landed him in the headlines, for better or for worse.

With the Bridgegate scandal in his recent past and with his favorability ratings under water in some early presidential polls, Christie has been attempting to create a better understanding among voters about his unusual style.

The video comes just two days before he’s set to make an announcement in New Jersey about his 2016 presidential decision. While he claimed on Thursday that he still hadn’t made up his mind, he’s been promoting a new website ——this weekend and sent invitations to supporters to a “presidential launch announcement” on Tuesday.

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