Bobby Jindal: Obama not hard enough on terrorists

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, the newest Republican to officially enter the wide-open presidential primary, accused President Barack Obama of being soft on terrorism following reports of a terror attack on an American company in France.

“I don’t think he’s gone far enough, in terms of hunting down and killing not only ISIS and other Islamic terrorists,” Jindal told CNN’s “New Day” on Friday, following reports of the latest terror attack.

A decapitated head and two injured people were discovered in a gas factory in southeastern France, French President François Hollande said Friday.

As with most Republicans, Jindal has been critical of Obama’s handling of the latest struggles in the Middle East, this time with the Islamic State, or ISIS.

“I know he loves to wage war on transfat and he loves to apologize for America and criticize Christians,” Jindal said, getting in a dig on the latest FDA ruling effectively banning transfat from most food. “I’d like to hear him say very directly that Islam’s got a problem, that problem is radical Islam.”

Obama succeeded in finding and killing Osama bin Laden and has taken out a string of top-level al Qaeda commanders in drone strikes. So much so, that he has been criticized from the left for his use of drones. But Jindal said the continuing struggles with ISIS prove he has not gone far enough.

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